On Saturday I went to Karbin to watch the “BloXplosion” climbing competition arranged by local climbing club BlocStar. I didn't get there early enough to see the qualifying rounds, but I did see the finals. It was quite exciting, and I met some nice folks too. Naturally, I took a bunch of photos. Maybe in a year or so I'll be good enough that I'll be ready to try a real competition. I'm sure it's a good way to motivate oneself!
For more posts, see my main weblog, Veritas.
Monday, February 19, 2007
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Thursday night @ KC

Thursday I went bouldering at Klättercentret. It was fun climbing, even if it wasn't my best night. Here, new friend Linda tackles the fun green route on the tall wall.
Peter made some progress on this black-rated problem on the upstairs bouldering wall.
Leoni was there with her dad, sister, and brother. I had a nice chat with them. Here, she takes a stab at a very tricky problem on the D-wall downstairs.
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Klättercentret on Friday
I had a nice climb on Friday night, and met several friends there. Here, Helena tackles a fun problem on the upstairs bouldering wall. Click the link for more photos!
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
KC on Tuesday
I went bouldering at Klättercentret on Tuesday. It wasn't my best night; I guess I'm still recovering from the cold I caught a couple of weeks ago. One good thing about having my camera with me is that if I'm not feeling up to climbing a lot, I can take photos instead. Or if I just need to rest between attempts at a particularly tricky problem, I can get some shots during that time. I managed to get some nice photos Tuesday night, including this shot of Peter's daughter Daneila. She's really brave!
Thursday, February 01, 2007
A tough night at Karbin
I am still recovering from the cold I caught on Sunday, so Tuesday's bouldering session at Karbin was not nearly as successful as the boulder open on Friday. It's actually dramatic how stark the difference was. There were some red-rated routes that were easy for me on Friday, but that I couldn't even get started on this time.
Even so, I had a good time. I did well on the easier problems, and the ones that required more finesse than strength. I met Anna F. there, as well as a couple of her climbing buddies, Yvonne and Cissi. I also saw some folks that I first met at Klättercentret way back in August: Micke, Louise & Chrisian. Christian spent a lot of time working on a really tricky white-rated (very difficult) bouldering problem, and I got a few good shots of him. The photos are online.
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Boulder Open #51 at Karbin
Tonight I went to Karbin for some bouldering. It was the fifty-first boulder open competition they've put on. It was my best boulder open to date, and I placed fourteenth. This time, I managed to complete 26 out of 40, including several really tricky black-rated ones. I was close to doing two more as well, nos. 3 and 8. My previous best had been 22 of 40 problems.
Here, Jenny tackles a fun problem of red-colored grips. I took lots more photos, so take a look.
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Saturday @ KC
Yesterday I spent a few hours at Klättercentret bouldering. I met some nice folks there including this girl, Isa. It was her first time climbing. She did really well! Go, Isa!
On the walk back from KC to the train station, I took a few photos of a fox trotting in the newfallen snow. Take a look at Saturday's photos for more from yesterday.
Monday, January 08, 2007
Karbin on Saturday
Lisa and Matt & I went to Karbin on Saturday. I had been there before for several Boulder Open competitions, but I had never climbed the tall roped routes. It was fun and the routes have a different character than the ones at Klättercentret.
I posted 95 photos form Saturday.
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
First climb of 2007

Thursday, December 21, 2006
Climbing @ KC Tuesday night

Tuesday I went climbing at Klättercentret. Lisa and Matt were there, as were Christine and Maria (in the background).

Anna came too, and tackled a fun route of terra cotta colored holds.

The heel hook is the key to making this one easy.

Matt did this fun route of blue-green holds. It seems to be necessary to use the edge of the wall in order to make it up to the last hold.

Lisa & Maria.

Hello from above!

Maria in deep concentration mode.

Ammie in top form.

Paula contemplating the rock.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006

I went for a climb at KC with Lisa last night. I was tired, but still managed to climb a 6a without too much difficulty. Here's Lisa on the downstairs bouldering wall.

I tried a black-rated route on this wall — the one with the small purple-colored holds. I wasn't quite able to do the last two moves. Maybe next time.

This is a fun bouldering problem that I can do without too much trouble.

The gray problem is fun too, and a bit trickier.

This gray problem is even harder, at least for me.

Peter was there with his daughter. He showed me the first white-rated bouldering problem he has been able to finish. Go Peter!

It doesn't look easy.

The disc is the only hold of any appreciable size in this route. The rest of the holds are tiny and require a really strong crimp to hang on to them.

Just a bit farther!

Friday, October 27, 2006
Boulder Open @ Karbin

Last night, I went to Karbin with Lisa, Matt, and my colleague Jens. It was time again for another Boulder Open competition. For 100 SEK, anyone can participate. Here Lisa is holding the list of bouldering problems. There were 10 problems of each difficulty grade: blue, red, black, and white. New this time was the fact that each problem was also given a numerical difficulty, with the easiest blue problems having a difficulty of 3 or 4, and the most difficult white problems being rated as difficulty 11 or 12. The most difficult problem I managed was a black problem rated difficulty 8. Each time you complete a problem successfully, you check it off the list. The problems were arranged around the bouldering area and numbered 1 through 40.

Here is a photo of me doing an easy blue or red problem to warm up.

Hung was there; he completed lots of difficult problems.

Anna was climbing like a pro last night, and advanced to the finals.

Daniella was looking good, tackiling a difficult black problem.


This problem was tricky. It required very careful placement of hands and feet, and very slow movement to maintain balance.

Karbin has done an excellent job getting sponsors. Marmot, Mad Rock, and addnature contributed the prizes for the competition.

There were also folks there who weren't participating in the bouldering competition, such as this cute girl climbing one of Karbin's tall walls.

Hand-foot matches always look cool in photos.

He I am on the same problem. It was a fun one!

Anna doing the same problem. She is skilled and has very good grip strength.

Matt on the tricky problem that required good balance. See that tiny hold in the upper left? The small size of that hold is one of the reasons this was a challenging and fun problem.

Lisa about to lunge for the last hold in this fun problem.

This one was very, very tricky for me. The yellow-colored holds were quite small, with the exception of the one big one. The problem was that the one big hold didn't offer much of a place to grip!

Lisa & Matt.

After the main competition was over, people tallied up the difficulty ratings of the top ten of the problems they completed. These were put in a big box, and prizes were handed out by a random drawing. At the same time, the top men and women went on to the finals. In the background you can see the folks putting together new bouldering problems on the wall while prizes are being handed out.

Folks applauded as prizes were given out. Some of the prizes were set aside for people participating in their first boulder open.


Matt won a certificate to get a pair of climbing shoes re-soled!

Then the finals began. There were three bouldering problems each for the men and women.

more to come!