I went for a climb at KC with Lisa last night. I was tired, but still managed to climb a 6a without too much difficulty. Here's Lisa on the downstairs bouldering wall.

I tried a black-rated route on this wall — the one with the small purple-colored holds. I wasn't quite able to do the last two moves. Maybe next time.

This is a fun bouldering problem that I can do without too much trouble.

The gray problem is fun too, and a bit trickier.

This gray problem is even harder, at least for me.

Peter was there with his daughter. He showed me the first white-rated bouldering problem he has been able to finish. Go Peter!

It doesn't look easy.

The disc is the only hold of any appreciable size in this route. The rest of the holds are tiny and require a really strong crimp to hang on to them.

Just a bit farther!
